Tag Archives: snow

Airport snow and dodgy landings

An older thought, but one I wanted to capture. When visiting Finland – still covered in a blanket of white in mid April – we wondered why Heathrow seems to collapse at the slightest dusting of snow.

It seems it’s partly due to the lack of expertise, equipment and manpower to clear the snow – but given that aeroplanes are overengineered to cope with adverse weather conditions (as you’d hope), there had to be another reason – and after all, Heathrow could learn its lesson and buy a few more snowploughs for next time!

One reason, it seems, is conservatism on behalf of BAA – with every airline in the world flying into LHR, it hardly matters what standards Boeing manufactures their planes to, or the quality of BA’s training. It’s the maintenance staff at Air Qumran and the risk posed by its hungover pilot who’s never even seen a snowstorm, much less landed a plane on an icy runway slick with a fresh dusting of powder.

I don’t blame them on that front. After all – we all learn defensive driving these day so we are prepared with other driver’s competence – why not manage an airport the same way?

The weather

If you’re in the UK, it won’t have escaped your attention that its been rather chilly over the last few weeks. The coldest winter in a nearly 20 years, with “worse to come,” no less.

The Met Office’s forecast made interesting reading yesterday (it’s since been revised as apparently the threat weather won’t be quite as bad as feared), as it predicted an “interruption incident” in London on Friday. Never mind that this is the same language, more or less, used to describe terror “incidents” (at least if Spooks is anything to go by), I thought it was deliciously euphemistic. London’s transport infrastructure being unable to cope with inclement weather is not a new thing, but I’m glad that people forecast it…

The language is also indicative of exactly how seriously the British take the weather… Makes me wonder if we have a government agency reporting to Defra that responds to these sorts of incidents, and what the TV series of that would look like…