Tag Archives: britain

Generational vs cultural differences for the Internet in Malaysia

Malaysia is the 5th “most connected” country in Asia (data 3 years old but should still hold mostly true). So it’s with some surprise when I come visit home that there are vast differences in the way we do things. We don’t check online for local garages – we drive around and find ones that look good or word off traditional word of mouth recommendations. On the other hand, Dominos Pizza in Malaysia accepts online payments, in a country that has traditionally shied away from e-commerce due to high levels of fraud, and we managed to pre-emptively order a lot of Emily’s baby kit from an online store before we arrived.

Hard for me to always establish which differences are due to culture – it’s a hard-bargaining, fraud-averse environment here – and how many are due to generational differences. Most of our visits here are spent with my parents and aunts and uncles – who are of a different age, shall we say.

Regardless of what the cause is, I’ve taken some delight in spreading a few bits of my digital-era practices here. A couple of aunts have been introduced to Apps, I’ve been evangelising true Smartphones whilst battling against aging Nokias and so on. The motivation is more than slightly self-interested – it’s lovely to have my family more connected to our lives as we share them digitally – including the ongoing development of young Emily and our other adventures…

Cousins – what do you think?? Digital Guru Shayna?

The weather

If you’re in the UK, it won’t have escaped your attention that its been rather chilly over the last few weeks. The coldest winter in a nearly 20 years, with “worse to come,” no less.

The Met Office’s forecast made interesting reading yesterday (it’s since been revised as apparently the threat weather won’t be quite as bad as feared), as it predicted an “interruption incident” in London on Friday. Never mind that this is the same language, more or less, used to describe terror “incidents” (at least if Spooks is anything to go by), I thought it was deliciously euphemistic. London’s transport infrastructure being unable to cope with inclement weather is not a new thing, but I’m glad that people forecast it…

The language is also indicative of exactly how seriously the British take the weather… Makes me wonder if we have a government agency reporting to Defra that responds to these sorts of incidents, and what the TV series of that would look like…