Tag Archives: marco pierre white

Marco Pierre White glorious Toulouse sausage and bean cassoulet review

Description: “A hearty broth of haricot beans and sautéed Toulouse sausage, finished with vegetables and herbs. GLORIOUS.” Actually, this one is fair enough.

Health: Not bad – 394 calories for the pot, good amount of fibre. Could have more protein…

Taste: Better than the other two MPW’s I’ve tried recently – good texture, flavourful, tomato-based soup, delicious morsels of sausage and the beans are nice too. I know Rick Stein loves a good cassoulet and suspect he’d struggle to recognise this as one, but it is nonetheless good and hearty as a fresh soup pot.

Full-o-meter: Not bad. Better with more meat…

Verdict: 4/5. The first MPW soup properly worthy of the name. Suggest Mr White has a chat with the people at Glorious Foods swiftly…

Marco Pierre White Glorious Moroccan tomato and chickpea soup review

Description: “A Moorish tagine-style soup naturally thickened with chickpeas and couscous, finished with traditional spices and a hint of fruit. Glorious!” Again, their copywriters need to calm down.

Health: Not bad – about 390 calories for the pot, high fibre, low fat, but quite low protein too and reasonably high levels of sodium.

Taste: Bleh. I’m beginning to wonder if the addition of “-inspired” or “-style” to any description is an admission that they don’t really know how to spice the soup properly. This soup, whilst well-textured, is pretty bland and the absence of any proper spice or meat makes it a slightly tedious meal. In the interest of full disclosure I should confess that I gave up on it half way through and nabbed a passing sandwich from a lunch meeting I was in.

Full-o-meter: Not bad, was the impression I was getting before I lost interest…

Verdict: 2.5/5. Not getting the strongest impression of the MPW range…

Marco Pierre White Glorious Indian chicken soup review

Description: “A warming curry soup with tender pieces of chicken breast, red pepper, coconut cream and authentic indian spices, finished with coriander. GLORIOUS.” I think the descriptions writer got a bit curried [sic] away!

Health: 404 cals for the pot, which is OK, but low fibre, high sodium, middling protein makes this a bit average.

Taste: Less good than the first time I tried it, I think. The soup is a bit thin and suffers from the absence of a strong binding veg in there (some potato or some curried squash or even a few more lentils). The salt-level, whilst not overbearing in the taste, is headache inducing.

Full-o-meter: Not brilliant. Not thick and substantial enough without bread.

Verdict: 3.5/5. Downgraded on original verdict now that I’ve given it a full review.

Marco Pierre White – soup non-reviews

I’ve eaten a couple of Marco Pierre White’s ‘Glorious’ luxury supermarket soup range lately and wanted to write reviews but there’s no web presence for them at all, no nutritional information I can find, nor a reminder of the soup names and descriptions on the web, which rather scuppers my ability to write proper reviews now that I’ve discarded the pots they came in. However, the £2.49 soups from Sainsbury’s were pretty tasty on the whole. Here’s what I remember of them:

Chicken curry soup: tasting faintly of the mild-curry Batchelor’s super noodle this is moreish and tasty, mildly spiced in a British-curry-might-have-fruit-in-it kind of way, a good consistency and with a sensible amount of meat and veg for a potted store soup. IIRC, the calorie count was around the 400 mark which is absolutely fine for a large pot of soup from a supermarket. 4/5.

Sausage hot pot: Tomato was the overwhelming flavour here, with sausages and beans suspended in a rich, chunky soup. It was pretty tasty and hit the spot; however I’ve never really rated tomato soup as a great option so doesn’t fly too highly on my taste bud rankings. Again, lowish on the calls and probably recommended for anyone that likes tomato more than me. 3.5/5 for this one.

Any corrections on soup names, caloric information, pointers to web presences etc., appreciated!