Tag Archives: serious eats

On the greatness of Kenji Alt-Lopez, food blogger supremo

NYC: Meatopia - J. Kenji Lopez-Alt Kenji’s posts on all things food continue to be nothing less than inspired. I still use some of his tips for making the perfect french fries for my roast potatoes (add vinegar to let you par-boil for longer without losing structural integrity), his posts on pizza, burgers and general knife and other skills inform an increasing number of aspects of my cooking. Let this post serve as the beginnings of a tribute.

The posts that inspired this one were two fold; first, Kenji’s efforts at improving the Big Mac – genius! The scientific method here – rather than the letter of the process that our friends Messrs Blumenthal and Myrhvold espouse, provides a wonderful, iterative, Macgyvery feel to the way he reverse engineers a food classic.

Secondly – Pizzagna. So wrong, and yet so right. Almost something that should appear on Epic Meal Time – but because it comes from Kenji I actually kind of want to eat it.

Be assured, however, the majority of his posts are on more everyday helpful things, including avocado knife skills and general basic cooking principles, so he’s a resource for the world, not just fast food aficionados.

Anyway, if you’re interested in food you should follow Kenji’s work across the Serious Eats blogs. Despite the moderately US-centric nature of it, a lot of the content is fascinating and useful wherever you are – and he seems a pretty global-outlook-kind-of-guy, so there’s some International content too.

Coming soon: a dictionary to help interpret American food names for Brits. And vice-versa.

Crowdsourced and 100% delicious.

School dinners I liked

One of the ways I’m dealing with the diet is through reading a load of awesome food blogs. Window shopping, right? Serious Eats asks what school dinners (or cafeteria meals, ‘cos they’re American), we actually like.

I had a few that I look on fondly…

1) The full school fry-up. Individually, the components were weak – gristly, soggy bacon, crunchy fried bread, rubbery egg etc. But it was possible to create the ultimate breakfast butty – for me, two slices of toast, a slice of fried bread soaked in baked bean jus, fried egg & bacon… yum. Health on a plate.

2) Welsh rarebit. I don’t know why this veggie option appealed to me so much, but it was tasty as, even done by our school kitchen. Haven’t had it since I left school 11 years ago, though.

3) Chicken Kiev. Again, not great quality but nostalgia continues to make these a bit of a treat for me.

In contrast, three things school dinners have ensured I’ll never really want to eat again…

1) Toad in the hole. I don’t know why its called this, sausages in weird batter I guess is less catchy, but…

2) Eggs hollandaise. The concept makes no sense to me.

3) Frog’s legs. From the ill fated ‘French day’ at school.

My school wasn’t Jamie’s kitchen, needless to say. Any favourites from you guys out there?