Tag Archives: crunches

Crunchtastic. Stir Crazy. Arrgh.

Topped off day 17 of Juneathon with another 80 sit-ups/crunches, and kicked off day 18 with 90. I’m not sure the Juneathon judges will be that impressed.

Knee still tentative so no running or cycling. Stir-crazy-ness is killing me – I want to run! – but Sensei Paul says it is sensible to rest and recover, so I will remain calm. Hoping that runs can resume next week. May need to limit myself to a max of 20 miles per week rather than the 30 I did before this injury kicked in – doc seemed to think it was a bit much to go from running 0 miles per week to 30 miles per week in 3 months, but hey – I was really enjoying it! Damnit.

Speaking of which, visit Sensei Paul’s  mini-guest post in this comment, in which he reports on his 5k attempt (did he make it in sub-17 minutes?) and talks about his latest garden produce  – garlic scape!

Injury strikes

Juneathon day 16: 60 crunches.

1 doctor’s visit.

1 week’s rest prescribed for my knee; fortunately ligaments OK and no swelling. Bags of frozen peas, ibuprofen may also help. Diagnosis: overuse. Cycling may be OK as long as it doesn’t hurt when I cycle and I don’t cycle in too low a gear (i.e. need to cycle with low resistance – I never know if that’s “high” or “low” gear).

In a bit of a funk about it. Don’t think my Juneathon efforts will be that interesting for the next 7 days, will mostly involve crunches.