Category Archives: Personal

Duelling banjos

Originally uploaded by division6.

I taught Matt how to duel with banjos (again – well, guitars) at this year’s stunning “Damo’s Bonza Coast Party”. Big up to Dr & Mr K for tolerating us, and to the big “banana oops” DK himself for not soiling his trousers and giving us all a great party. Gem’s “organised fun” went down a treat last night and we’ve all since returned happy & exhausted. Couple of more pics, of Matt & DK burning absinthe (and not chasing the dragon, no matter how much it may seem that way, and of a beachy sunset, on my flickr photostream – all taken with my flash new Sony DSC-T7 camera.

Many others on good form, including Tant Pis and “you don’t want to know what I’ve just googledApplegate, and Robin “Bum Charades is a real game” Sims-Williams. Was a stellar weekend.


Had a great few days away in Bordeax with Gem and her family. Here’s super-me enjoying some fine medoc on the edge of the beach, whilst eating some fine merguez covered pizza and enjoying Gem’s company… and trying to ignore the monster truck smash going on next door (which entertained me secretly).

P’raps more on this later. Montalivet is a fun part of the world, although BA, having lost my bag (don’t worry, they eventually found it… so much for quick check-in), are phenomenally incompetent.

Apologies for poor exposure, my digicam is on the blink…

Arvind did the triathlon!!

Arvind did the London Triathlon today, which was very impressive. Whilst his swimming time wasn’t fantastic, his cycling and running were both good, and he was still (just about) standing at the end of it. V proud of him.

If you want to support Arvind’s fundraising efforts – the money he raised from sponsorship goes to arthritis research – click here.

If you want to look at pictures, or a video of Arvind, see below (or click the video button back there).

Quick, get me out of this wet… suit.

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.

One with the speed force

I got the power

Was a power cut at work today. Was a bit bizarre; traffic lights were out and there was the occasional blare of a siren whizzing past. Everyone’s first instinct was… “Crap, what’s happened now?” There is a sense of overwhelming irritation at every inconvenience the terrorists cause.

Interesting to me as fear was definitely a secondary emotion to irritation. Of course there is fear; but mostly, we’re just annoyed that its interrupting our schedule (of tea, cricket matches, and all other things British, of course).

Nonetheless, it was a relief to find out that the power cut was caused by an overzealous engineer digging through a power cable by mistake…


The last three days have been gorgeous. The sun has been shining, people have been soaking it up and everyone’s been in a good mood.

My brother happened to pick this weekend to move (lucky!) , and have spent most of the sunshine days lugging stuff to, from, up, down, left & right. It’s been satisfying for the spring clean that goes alongside it, not to mention how good it is to see Arvind settled into a really nice place of his own and upgrade myself into his room myself!

That said, its been a strangely blue weekend for me. Despite the sunshine, and the excitement of the move, have been feeling somewhat… introspective.

There’ve been a number of things I’ve been thinking about.

(1) Sad that Arv’s going. While I’m mostly happy for brother mine to be spreading his wings, and we did barely see each other when we lived together, he has been a reassuring presence; a safety net and a solid co-habitant. I’ll miss him – although we’ll probably spend more time together now that he’s moved out then while he was living here! And I’ve got my sister’s permanent arrival to look forward to as well, so on the whole, a positive. But a little sad.

(2) I’ve dug up a bunch of correspondance / notes / memories from school and my early days at college. Those were tougher times for me and to be reminded of some of the difficulties was… taxing.

(3) Most of my close circle of friends are on holiday in Croatia! So I’ve been hanging by myself for most of the weekend…

That said, the overwhelming sense of achievement I have now overcomes that, and I think I’ll be able to handle work without too much pain tomorrow… I am 95% settled (well… maybe 80%… I have two large bags of stuff to file / put away that I’ve just bunged togher).

Anyway, this was a bit of a purposeless state-of-mind livejournal worthy post. Bet you weren’t expecting that, Internet. Or maybe you were. Damnit, foiled again.

Here’s hoping for more sunshine.