Category Archives: Film

Cisco on Innovation

Cisco is a client of mine, so you know.

I don’t ordinarily write about clients at the weekend. Pretty much never, actually. Buy we’ve been working on a cool project with a man called Ian Kennedy at Cisco, and I spotted that Ian Forrester had been involved with the Thinking Digital conference in Newcastle last week and caught Ian K’s talk on ‘Open Innovation’ on

Much interesting insight. Ian Kennedy’s a very smart guy and if you’re interested in the ongoing development of technology (well, everything really) in the UK and how one of the very big, very innovative companies in the world is approaching it, have a view:

Update: Turns out Ian made it onto Sky News this weekend too, talking about future collaboration and meeting applications, amongst other things.

Indiana Jones and the Kindgom of the Crystal Skull: be warned

(Reposted from my Flixster review).

There are so many thing wrong with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls. Here are some of them.

1) Shia Lebouf
2) That whole thing with the Fridge. Really.
3) A “space between the spaces” ship. Seriously.
4) Shia Lebouf again.
5) Monkeys
6) Ants
7) Tarzan Lebouf
8) Gunpowder magnetic drift
9) Rocket sleds
10) Generic Stalinist supernaturalist baddies
11) Shia Lebouf
12) Steven Spielberg’s penchant for leaving no loose ends or any ambiguity about the happy ending, and the new franchise…
13) …except insofar as the rules don’t apply to non-white characters and (obviously) Communist baddies, who all end up with a bullet in the chest or an exploded brain.

They should just make a proper film version of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, and keep Shia Lebouf well, well away.

[Blog append: there are some brief, entertaining, familiar Indy moments. Stuff with the hat, the whip and some wisecracking. But really, not enough for 2.25 hours in the cinema hoping, dear god, for less exposition].

French Film

Long time readers will know that whilst I work in the world of technology PR, my brother has a marginally more glamorous career – he’s a movie producer. His next film, French Film, should be out later this year and the website has just gone live here.

Starring Hugh Bonneville (Notting Hill), Anne-Marie Duff, Eric Cantona (Manchester United) and Douglas Henshall (Primeval) amongst others, it is very, very entertaining and I hope you get a chance to see it, join the Facebook group etc. Definitely check out the trailer at the French Film website.

Indiana Jones and the… something. Who cares?

More awesomeness here. The Indy theme is a work of genius, and another one of those songs that, when it gets going, you just get all adventuring inside. Of course, the closest I’ve ever come to adventuring is living vicariously through Indy’s feats in Fate of Atlantis.

Wisecrackin’ genius you just don’t see any more. Game designers of the world, sort it out. And bring back Guybrush Threepwood, whilst you’re at it.

The Interwebs is amazing (pt 54)

Pat was going on at me to watch the new Iron Man trailer, so when I caught it listed (atypically) on The Superficial, I naturally checked it out. It is awesome, Robert Downey Jr seems to be an inspired piece of casting and I’m getting increasingly excited about a character and film I didn’t give two hoots about. It may also be that Toby R & Pat and people telling me how amazing the new spate of Marvel films are going to be is sinking in…

But the bit that makes the interwebs cool was when I googled “Iron Man Theme” because I couldn’t remember where I heard the rockin’ riff at the end (and I didn’t want to pay Shazam any money, and yes, shame on me)… And found this. Music and lyrics included. The awesome randomness of the Interwebs.

Sugarhouse opens this week // Vito wins!!

Two Slingshot movie updates (quick refresher: Slingshot is the movie production house my brother founded and runs):

First, Sugarhouse, its first feature, opens in cinemas around the UK on the 24th of August. It’s a great film – you can try to win tickets and/or see where its showing via the Sugarhouse movie website. Flashalicious. Please go see it… To my friends, I’ll aim to organise some kind of evening out at the cinema to watch it. It’s an urban thriller, set in East London, and revolves around the lives of an accountant, a crackhead, and a killer. More or less in that order.



Secondly, thank you all for your votes for Vito. HE WON!! There’s a big budget for Slingshot to make the first ever user generated film, and the Sun reported on the auditions… so its all systems go!

Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support. Watch the Slingshot blog and the Myspace Movie Mashup site for more updates!

Le cochon arraigné

I have started doing French lesson’s at work on Pat’s prompting, and the last one (a couple of weeks ago now) was particularly entertaining for our vibrant discussion of recent films we’d seen, including Michael Bay’s Transformers and The Simpsons movies. For reviews of those, check me out on Flixster via Facebook.

But one particularly useful thing we did was translate the Spider-Pig song into French. For anyone wondering, it goes a little something like this.

Le cochon arraigné, le cochon arraigne, il fait quel que chose qu’on cochon arraigné fait… est-ce qu’il peu balancer sur un atoile… non, il ne peu pas balancer sur un atoile, il est un cochon… regard dehors, il est le cochon arraigné…

If you think I’ve gone mad, or don’t know what I’m talking about, check out…:

Corrections to the French welcome! But what a way to learn a language! Can’t be topped.