Tag Archives: vegetarian

Eat vegetable gyoza dumpling soup pot review – @eat_news

Late night on Thursday, so Friday saw me craving some salt – a new ‘soup pot’ at Eat appealed… For those not in the know, this is where hot salty broth is poured into a pot full of cold ingredients to make instant soup.

Description: Salty moreish soup broth poured on egg noodles, bean sprouts, chinese cabbage and other veg, topped with hearty meaty yet inexplicably vegetarian gyoza.

Health: Soup pots are normally pretty healthy from Eat, but this one, in addition to the salt explosion, also hits quite high on cals at 473 for the pot.

Taste: Pretty darn tasty – I generally tire of soup pots as they degenerate into salty stock when you run out of the rest of the veg, filling, etc. but this one seems better proportioned. The gyoza are very tasty, filled with soy or quorn possibly to give them a meaty texture without the meat. Veg are fresh and crunchy and the egg noodle provides substance.

Full-o-meter: Pretty good – this is a big portion with a good half-dozen gyoza in the pot in addition to veg, noodle, etc.

Verdict: 4/5. My new favourite soup pot, even in spite of its vegetarian-ness, although the broth based nature of the soup makes it appeal less than their usual ‘big bold’ options.

Eat Goan potato soup review- Big Simple- @eat_news

Description: From Eat – “Based on the classic Indian Aloo Gobi dish – this is a warming combination of potatoes and cauliflower, flavoured with fragrant spices and fresh herbs.” Yep, that’s about right.

Health: Hrm, not ideal for my diet – which wants high fibre and protein, low carbs & fat – this is v. low on protein as you’d expect from a veggie option, and surprisingly high on saturated fat. It suffers a bit from standard Eat salting too (lots of = good for flavour, bad for blood pressure). But 293 calories isn’t a terribly high score on the caloric front, so it made the cut.

Taste: It tastes good. Nothing outstanding – for me the absence of meat and variety in the texture prevents it blowing my mind. The chilli adds a pleasant kick, the texture is rich and gloopy, and the salt-loading ensures that every mouthful tastes good. Think smooth-blended lentil curry with potatoes (not sure if there are any lentils in there, but that’s the hint). Not uniquely Goan-y that I could detect, though.

Full-o-meter: Pretty substantial. Wins points here. Blended texture means every mouthful is a win.

Verdict: 3.5/5. Another tasty Eat soup which will win smiles from the vegetarians. I kind of wish I’d gone for the Toulouse Sausage soup which would have added some meaty substance to my lunch (I’m too carnivorous for my own good), but ultimately you can probably buy this sort of soup from the New Covent Garden guys and be equally happy, so not sure it’ll merit a rebuy for me…

(NB: Eat’s Simple Soups are often blended/veggie like this – hence my usual preference for the ‘Bold’ options, which I might stick to in the future).