Tag Archives: rumours

Wishlist for iPhone5

So, there were some pretty obvious features that made the iPhone4 a must for me – HD video recording, retina display, video calling, camera flash and a faster processor (the 3GS was creaking with iOS4).

But with the iPhone5 announcement expected at WWDC, are there things that would make me upgrade a year later?

Well, other than bugs in the software (which I’ve blogged about before), which should filter down to iPhone4 too, there’s less that I obviously need. Here’s a collection of rumours on which I’ve based my list so far…

Things I’d like but probably won’t pay for so far

1) Better flash/camera
2) A5 processor (multitasking poorly executed to date on iPhone)
3) Improved phone reception (not that I’ve had substantive problems here)

Things I don’t care about just yet

1) LTE support. No live networks here yet, maybe by iPhone6 time…
2) 3D photography. Not that I think Apple will go there.
3) Weight / colour – I can live with the iPhone the size it is
4) 1080p video output
5) NFC payments
6) Photo projection or other gimmickry

Things I’m not sure about:

1) Form factor. Do I need a 4" screen? I definitely don’t need an iPhone Nano.
2) Any Apple surprises.

All in all, it’s looking more like the iPhone5 will be more like the iPhone4S than a full-on device upgrade, so I may skip it…

Have I missed anything good? I’m not sure what else I need in a phone at this stage…