Category Archives: Personal

Influenza is *so* boring

Have been ill – really ill, not just man-cold hypochondria – for the whole week. Bunged-upness means sleep has been hard-coming, and the doctor’s prescription of Ibuprofen, Paracetomol, and drinking water until I burst has been less than 100% effective thus far, although the worst of the fevers (and mild accompanying hallucinations) have now passed, which can only be a good thing.

Initially, I managed to at least get some reading done – finished Peter Hamilton’s Commonwealth Saga, which was fantastic. But I’ve burned my way through most of the easily accessible Sci-Fi/Fantasy I own and don’t quite have the concentration span for anything more substantial. So I’ve done other things, like set up VPN access from my laptop into work so I can begin to start structuring thoughts again, and flashed my Dell’s system BIOS so that it stops crashing every 10 minutes.

Small victories. But still totally fed up with this illness and itching to go back to work. But at the same time, know that would have probably fallen over had I gone in today… Ah, dilemmas…

Back from the district

Me and the view
Had an awesome weekend in the lake district, and slowly getting used to London again. Amazingly, seem to have gotten ill following all the fresh air, but hopefully nothing too dramatic and plan on being up on feet at work tomorrow.

Many, many photos on Flickr photostream, but a quick one here to set us off…

Note: Bonus photos for registered friends and family.

Armo in the mountainside

Off to the Lake District (stalkers take note). V. exciting! Mountains and everything, and even managed to hit the sales at my local hiking store so feel affordably well-equipped.

Expect some pictures and anecdotes following the weekend, but no posts from the mountainside. Not taking a great deal of tech with me (shock, horror!), planning on one of those naturist return to nature weekends.

Blog abnormalities

Sorry, all the mess I had was because I was a cheapskate and bought my domain from 1&1 and have my hosting with 34sp and was negotiating getting my domain host to point to my web host. Chris, and everyone else, was fed up with the nonsense rubbish, so wanted to fix it.

Unfortunately, as 1&1 also hosted my email, there were complications in arranging that, but thanks in part to excellent technical support from 34sp and in larger part to fantastic technical support from Chris, we should be working.

It might take a little time for the domain changes to propogate through everyone’s DNS servers, but you should soon seen a fixed Division6… And then I’ll look at getting myself a funky Ajax-ified theme!

WordPress 2.0.1

Upgraded! Going to change theme to include some cool Ajax functionality but that will take a bit of work. For now you have to trust me that I’ve got a cool, powerful backend, and all the cool bits in my sidebar took a lot of (Chris’) time to get working – Thanks Chris!

So; prepare all of you for a mind-bogglingly impressive upgrade to the front end in the next month or two…


I apologise if you’re unable to comment on any posts – have had to disable some features of the site owing to apparently being a target of some fairly irritating comment spam. Will be up and running again soon – hopefully Chris will help me upgrade to WP2.0.1 soon!


I’m a geek. Two posts on a Friday night, one about enterprise software and the other about fantasy novels. I think I’d best go off and play sport, drink beer and carouse with women to regain my man-card.

Actually, that probably won’t redeem me…


…this is what 7am looks like. Blech.

Christmas has properly wiped my biological clock, what with all the influx of mind-altering drugs, like Turkey. Normal blogging service will resume once I work out what my name and purpose in life is…