Category Archives: Music

A good day

Today was a good day. Lazy, but good.


(1) Got tickets to Glasto. Woo! My first ever festival. Very exciting.
(2) Witnessed Spurs victory – we played a decent game and glad it came out a victory.
(3) Saw the first episode of the new Dr Who – which is excellent. The new companion is cool, but mainly: the moon. Space Rhino Police. What more could you possibly ask for?
(4) Got tickets to see Hot Fuzz in a couple of weeks. Finally!

So, all in all, a good day.

Gig time: Minutes @ The Blag Club, Thursday 22nd March

Lots of music going on at the moment. Minutes (aka Maz & Pob) have a gig soon. They played us a warm-up gig in Austria in advance of their debut public performance at the Blag Club in Notting Hill this Thursday, and I can vouch that they’re good. In fact, thanks to the wonder that is digital photography, you don’t have to take my word for it. Check out the following videos.

Pob’s playing one of my guitars, a Martin travel beastie, which looks weird but sounds good. He’ll be playing something better on the night.

“You like her”

“Forget it all”

Doors open at 7.30pm: hope you can make it.

The best acoustic indie in the world ever

Ben, who did my course at university and proved to be better at me both at playing guitar and the History and Philosophy of Science, has a new album in development and is the featured artist on Humble Voice this week. Please check Urusen out.

A taster, via their MySpace page:

Now that she has flown, URUSEN

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Just so you know, I’m a genuine fan of this music, regularly buy additional copies of the album off him as gifts for people I am trying to convert, and have been to at least three gigs. Can’t wait for the next one, and hope you all enjoy / look out for it too.

iTunes 7.1 + Vista = problems (still…)

They’ve still not sorted how iTunes and Windows Vista work together. There’s bloating, lag, and staggering performance issues that result in skipping and long pauses mid-track. Mind you, I’ve had some of these issues since v7 launched and I was still using XP. So who knows where the cause lies? Causality is problematic enough without introducing a computing layer into it all…

Someone wake me when they fix it, or tell me about another media player (not Winamp, that seems slow with a big media library too – I have 13,000 tracks).

Fratellis, Brixton Academy, rock

I always read gig reviews with a certain amount of ‘erm, what?’-ness, as I don’t understand that bands who leave me so utterly speechless with the sheer rockingness of it all can be described along the lines of (searches for reviews of the gigs they’ve been doing since the 2nd and is annoyed to find there aren’t any online so makes up a generic example instead):

“The frenetic energy of the band is in sharp contrast to the controlled precision of their lyrics and the masterful thumping of the resonant bass.”

What I have to say about the Fratellis is rather more straightforward: they rocked hard. They’re great live. All their music is fantastic. All of it. Especially if you like, erm, music. Oh, and the support band was bad. Mind bogglingly bad. So bad, it took me a while to get into the Fratellis who rocked hard from the word go. If the support band had been competent but generic that would have been a better choice than incompetent and… nope, no redeeming characteristics. At all.

Ok, I know that’s probably the reason I’m not a music journalist (possibly one of several), but its amazing to walk away from a gig with that feeling – your ears slightly buzzing, shaking, warm and excited by it all. It was great. I’m listening to the album again now.

That’s said, I was irritated by the beer throwing, hooligan-esque fans. Why would you do that? Never mind that people could get hurt, or fights could start, or the overall annoyance of being sprayed with beer…

The Killers: alternative lyrics

Went to a gig tonight and we got to thinking what alternative lyrics the Killers went through before they came up with the ever memorable “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier…”


I’ve got to bowl, but I’m not a boulder
I’ve got Lou, but I’m not a loser
I’ve got a boil, but I’m not a boiler
I’ve got a foal, but I’m not a folder

Any more for any more?