Tag Archives: wii

House of the Dead: Overkill and the b-movie tradition

The House of the Dead: OVERKILL - Promotional poster

I used to love light gun games, Time Crisis and its ilk, and in my PS2 days invested a disproportionate amount of money sourcing games and accessories. Ironically, since the games have become more accessible (in the wake of the Wii), I’ve not played any at all. But this weekend, visiting Matt, I was exposed to HoTD: Overkill, a spectacular overdone piece of B-Movie Zombie-killing light-gun action.

There are just a few hours of collaborative gameplay built into it but they’ve milked everything they can from the format pretty effectively, and its a lot of fun.The thing that makes it stand out, though, is the spectacular b-movie scriptwriting. Random plot jumps, totally stereotyped lead characters, disgusting but entertaining plot twists and progressions. Lots of fun.

The dialogue, especially when initiated by Detective Washington, is offensively fun. If you’re of an age and can cope with sweary misogyny interspersed with random introspection, check out a selection of his best quotes here.

Fire Emblem

I finally finished ‘Radiant Dawn’ on Wii yesterday. It should have been on DS. It makes no sense on the Wii, even less so due to its completely random and arbitrary plotline, which I think may have been the result of an experiment involving monkeys and typewriters.

The things that happen when Amanda goes away.