Tag Archives: weekathon

Long Slow Run: Juneathon day 12

Well, it wasn’t that long (10 miles), but long for someone training for a half-marathon I guess, and it wasn’t that slow by my standards – must have crossed the 10 mile mark around 1h44, which for me is pretty good – although still a way to go before I make my sub-2-hour-marathon-goal (would need to be hitting 1h30ish for the 10 milers – yikes!). Still, the first long run since my return from India (for me long = more than 10k) and it feels good to have it under the belt. Was patient with the stretching so hopefully won’t be too stiff and be able to manage a mid-length run tomorow too.

It does mean that my second week of Juneathon has seen me do another weekathon – and then some – topping out at 32.9 miles run this week (plus 20.2 miles cycled). Will be hard to sustain this pace, but am well on track to top out my 85 miles run in May…

Run log here, for the curious. Didn’t quite manage negative splits, but my best miles were 8 and 9, so am on the right sort of track, maybe, in terms of pacing myself. Just need to go faster the whole way through…

Weekathon – not as failed as I thought

It turns out (thank you, Runkeeper) that if you track a week from Sunday-Saturday, I ran 26.3 miles last week. Oustanding – my first weekathon.

Today’s run was better than yesterday’s, but was all the same just a relatively gentle 5ker – still pretty hot for the UK at the moment and I’m acclimatizing (and recovering from whatever had me ill yesterday).

6 days into Juneathon… 24 to go. Keep sending good thoughts my way…