Tag Archives: 5k

Juneathon day 13 and iced kneecaps

Getting the willpower up to run today was HARD. Yesterday’s 10 miler was the longest run I’d done in about 3 weeks and, given the high mileage last week, I had pretty sore knees. Having iced them (HAH to commercially sold ice-gel-packs, hoorah to a bag of frozen peas) last night and again this morning, however, and topping it off with the anti-inflammatory ibuprofen (treating the swelling and therefore the pain, not just dulling the pain – I hope!), the worst of it was done and I forced myself out for another 30-minute 5k – which was a speedy way to start the week (my personal best for this route/distance is 29.06).

I still don’t know whether I’m doing myself real damage – it feels like the knees are strengthening and I’m still between zero and one on any meaningful pain threshold…

That said, I am really enjoying Juneathon, but beginning to get pretty tired. Hoping that I sleep a bit better next week and the pre-work runs don’t hurt quite so much…

Pre-race jitters

I’ve entered my first ever competitive running event – man vs. banana in WRCF’s ‘Beat the Banana’ 5k run through Hyde Park. It’s tomorrow and I went on my first run post-half-marathon session on Sunday this morning — and it HURT. A 32 minute 5k is not going to beat the banana and I’m pretty anxious about it. Will do some deep stretching tonight, take the morning off running tomorrow and keep fingers crossed…

Wish me luck and watch out for a race report late tomorrow or Friday. Any tips on pacing myself? Or just sprint the whole way?