Category Archives: Technology

Posting frequency

I’m afraid I’m going through that phase of my life that every young adult goes through where the excitement of work coupled by a visceral need to not miss out on any of the weekend antics of my friends is leaving me little time for sleep, much less blogging, so readers enamoured of my self-involved, luke-warm egoistic writing style will be left frustrated by the frequency of my posts.

I’ve said this before, but normal program will resume.

Incidentally, I have a Gmail invite remaining, and if one of my more regular readers would be interested in it, I’d be more than happy to supply it.

[Listening to: Fighting for My Love – Nil Lara – Scrubs Soundtrack (04:08)]

The one where I try to catch up on all the things I’ve seen on the web for the last two weeks and fail

Since my recent silence began, this site has been visited by people from 27 countries, enabled by Google blogging, which has given a hundred mini- and un-optimized archive pages for each of my posts, and the friendly men at ‘G’ have also offered a terabyte of storage to selected Gmail users (not me). I’ve also audioscrobbled a fair number of songs, and have discovered a great new way to discover music based on music I like already, thanks to the mysterious ‘Bob’.

Tom has launched THE FIRST GLORIOUS TURKMENBASHI SHORT NON-FACTUAL WRITING CONTEST, Chris has been blogging in terms too geeky for me to understand although I still try, I’ve started reading the Economist Country Briefings to rid me of my occasional ignorance of events of world import.

Phew. And I haven’t even mentioned Tony Blair being attacked by a condom.

Oh. D’oh.

[Listening to: Girl Right Next to Me – Goo Goo Dolls – Superstar Car Wash (03:45)]

Where’s my brain, again?

So, near complete silence for two weeks? Ya-huh? That’s what gainful employment does to you, I guess. Yup, I am now a full member of society, I have colleagues (who are all very nice), a job I enjoy and the world of pain that getting up at 7.15 every day gets you. But its going well, and its funner than an evening with Michael Eisner, as they say.

That’s not to say that my mind has been idle; the reason for the emptiness of the blog has entirely been due to exhaustion and not at all to do with an under-active mind. In fact, the new people, the new stimuli, are great for my grey matter. Don’t expect genius from this blog, though; in fact, lower your expectations as far as you can, and prepare for a veritable onslaught of blog-entries.

[Listening to: We Are the Normal – Goo Goo Dolls – Superstar Car Wash (03:39)]

No post

It’s been a busy few weeks, so sorry for lack of contact. The Job is taking up most of my time, and rightfully so – all is good, though.

Our regular presentation will follow soon.


I just keep adding stuff to this site and it keeps getting messier and bigger… But hopefully more functional. You can now subscribe to this blog (see right hand column) to get a daily email of updates, and you can googlesearch it (see left hand column).

But today is the first day of anything resembling sunshine we’ve had in about two weeks, so I’m going to stop blogging and go outside and enjoy it.

But first, a link to the trailer for Zach Braff’s new film, Garden State. Zach is ‘JD’ from Scrubs, which is possibly my favourite medical sitcom ever. Oh, hang on… The film does look intriguing, and like it has nothing to do with doctors, and something to do with Natalie Portman. Check it.

[Listening to: Growing on me – The Darkness – Come Away With Me (04:12)]

Ferrett Hammock

Alright, I happened to click through to the US Google site for a change, and curiousity took me through to Froogle, Google’s extremely punny comparison shopping site. I then noticed that it had this listed as a recently found item.

How odd the people of the Interweb are.

[Listening to: Couldn’t Get It Right – Fun Lovin’ Criminals – Mimosa (03:47)]

Redder than the Sun

Labour: I see redAlright, this is a post about two things. First, it’s about New Labour: some chaps called Tim Ireland and Balders, who I believe are friends of Chris, have put together a really excellent video presentation (warning: its a 1.3MB flash video, with good noise) outlining exactly where Labour has failed to deliver, and why the Tories would have been worse. It’s entitled, or at least themed, “I see red”. It goes by quickly, but is damn entertaining, damn informative and extremely well done. Check it out.

The second thing I’m blogging about is, well, again, blogging. A meta-level post: the point being, why regurgitate stuff on my blog that Chris has already posted on his, and no doubt has been blogged about everywhere else in the world? Well, because that’s how memes propogate: a meme, a viral piece of knowledge, is as successful as it is profligate: by my talking about it to my somewhat esoteric audience (which does include more people than just Chris and Tom, honest – about 5,000 hits this month, I think), the various Blog tracking services (Technorati, Blogdex etc.,) track the popularity of certain memes and rank them accordingly – they do this by scanning blogs with ‘bots – web programs that trawl for information. In fact, a substantial part of the traffic this site has seen is due to these network agents.

It’s really a remarkable way to track the progression of an idea – hence these remarks.

The impacts to branding, guerilla marketing and dirty tricks campaigners are reasonably obvious, but fortunately most good memes are still free and free of commercial sponsorship. Be interesting to see how it goes; the Blog seems to be on the up-and-up in terms of popularity (every loser has one), and increasingly communities of well read, well thought people doing more than rant about random internet crap are popping up. Watch this space.

[Listening to: Don’t Hate The Playa – Ice-T (04:04)]

Damn critics

Man, some random dude surfed to my site and reviewed my crummy demo track. Doesn’t anyone read the notes alongside it: that its my first attempt at solo recording and I *know* it sucks? Oh, and I *know* I can’t sing?

What’re we going to do next, go and beat up some six year olds for saying that ‘Britney is Great’ on the internet? Although I’m vaguely touched that he felt it needed reviewing. I mean, life’s too long to not spend reviewing random amateur demo tracks you’ve scoured the net for.

Not that I’m bitter. Hrumph.

[Listening to: Wonderboy – Tenacious D – Tenacious D (04:09)]