Category Archives: Miscellany

The gentlemans’ club

Pleased as I am with Soho house, I kind of like the idea of old school social club, like Phoenix Nights, or those places with old men playing pool in Stoke Newington. How do you get involved in that sort of thing? Where are those clubs?

I need somewhere else good to play pool, that isn’t the Elbow Room*… And maybe jam. Like Buena Vista.

* not that there’s anything wrong with that. But variety, y’know?

I be Mr Heinlein

Whilst I appreciate these quizzes don’t count as content, becoming a science-fiction/fantasy writer of sorts is something of a dream so I thought I’d share this with you.

I am:

Robert A. Heinlein

Beginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers.

Which science fiction writer are you?

Which is cool. Stranger in a Strange Land was a deeply weird book when I first read it (I was 12) but it’s a masterful piece of storytelling.

I’m back, baby

Right, my adoring public. The internet problem has been resolved (ish) and I’m now back online. Once I started getting my hackles up the ISP seemed to pull its thumb out and I’m surfing at a reasonable 6MB now. Given that I was able to connect at 17MB before, there’s still clearly an issue, not to mention my landline doesn’t accept incoming calls… but hey, after all they’ve put us through, this is veritable luxury.

A stable wireless connection. W00t!

Ongoing broadband outage

Hi – sorry about continual hold-ups to posting. My broadband connection continues to be out and my service provider continues to be unable to fix it. I will hopefully be back soon.

In the meantime, I have been playing some Xbox360 (and watching the CES news with interest) and reading a lot of short stories. Neil Gaiman is a dark inspiration. I have also been seeing much of friends, which has been… awesome.

Be back soon. If I don’t get t’internet fixed soon I may have to take drastic measures.

I am Doctor Simon Tam

These quizzes are always some kind of fun. I’m just glad that I’m not a reaver.

And to anyone who doesn’t know what Serenity / Firefly is, you really, really should. This is via Nathon Fillon’s myspace page!

Your results:
You are Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)

Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic)
Malcolm Reynolds (Captain)
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
Derrial Book (Shepherd)
Wash (Ship Pilot)
Inara Serra (Companion)
River (Stowaway)
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)
A Reaver (Cannibal)
Medicine and physical healing are your game,
but wooing women isn’t a strong suit.

Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

Ethnic Santa and Citizen journalism *updated*

They call me ethnic Santa...Had a great time at my office Christmas party last night; our bosses do really know how to throw a good party. Am glad I’ve taken today off to recover; more from need of additional sleep than any particular excesses. That said, someone did seem to have slicked the floor in Strawberry Moons and, as a result, I slipped and injured my ankle. A day of RICE for me, methinks.

But to the point of the post: I was asked this year to be Santa for our office Secret Santa gift exchange. Very honoured, I think I rose to the challenge and donned the (rather slimming) Santa outfit. Of course, it was all rather hilarious. After the gifts had been delivered and my task fulfilled, I headed back to my desk to shut down before we went out for the evening and found an instant message from a client waiting: one of my ‘citizen journalist’ colleagues had, within a minute or so of the pack splitting up, emailed a picture of me in my Santa garb to my client, who was duly amused.

The curse of camera phones ;)

The really annoying thing, of course, is that I forgot my own camera and have no photographic evidence of the evening myself. Hopefully people will email some things across to me in the fullness of time…


Whoa, ScoobHad a bit of a ‘whoa, Scoob’ moment today. It came about 3pm, when I noticed I’d been wearing my nice new jumper inside out all day. Sheila, who bought me the jumper, assured me this was good luck.

Apparently when you do something stupid and sustain a run of bad luck, the universe owes you one. I’m watching you, universe. You owe me a thing that is as good as wearing a jumper inside out for half a day at work is bad. Erm, like a doughnut or something.


One of the good things about having tags on a blog is you can let people know when you’re trying to be funny. This post, for instance, is tagged ‘humour’…