That’s what it felt like, anyway. 8am this morning, glorious sunshine sharply counterpointed by the early morning chill (a vast contrast to recent training), forcing the sleep and jetlag from my eyes, I hit the road and did a respectably sub 30 minute 5k – something I’ve struggled with since my half last September and clearly the sweat training in Malaysia made some contribution. However I’m a little stiff from limited stretching and need to work on that – and roll like crazy on my off days.
Harder, though, is the fact that the diet restarted today. The winter weight is something I’ve really felt in recent runs and needs to go… so back down to the 1500 calorie range for my daily intake until I start to feel the difference again!
Longer distance training will start in the days ahead as I build to a half-marathon in the not-too-distant future. I had hoped to go for the nearby Bracknell half in early May but I’m not sure how well the training will progress over the next six weeks – which seems me doing an amount of travel as well… We will see! Wish me luck.