…then I had a good Sunday

Today was a good day. And there was me getting stressed about not having much planned for this weekend.

After nice, quiet drinks with Sheila, Dave, Afo and Chris at the pub last night was up at a sensible hour this morning, and finished reading the new Kevin Anderson novel. It is awesome – now have to wait frustratedly for the next one.

Then I caught up on phone calls to family and friends, which is always good.

Then I caught up on last week’s opening episodes of season 3 of Lost. Which was less obviously good, but I’ll reserve judgement.

Then I bore witness to Spurs 3-1 victory over Wigan. I have one word for this, and its [[w00t]]!

Now, going to try to work on the ever ephemeral novel for a bit before heading out to see Bond.

Yes, it has been a good day.