Guest blogger on division6

Now that this blog is all shiny and sophisticated, it seems right that it stays current even when I’m on holiday, which I’ll be from Wednesday. So I’d like to introduce you to the person who’ll keep you entertained for the next couple of weeks…


Sheila, for those of you that don’t know, is my sister. Some would say she’s much more interesting than me (most people), others would say she’s annoying (me). Sheila’s on the prowl for a career in the literary world, so expect (non-slanderous) posts about literary agents, publishers, authors, drinks parties, shopping (erm, ok) and pimms.

Sheila may overlap on a couple of posts so that I can make sure she’s got the hang of WordPress before I head off… you’ll know its her and not me because, um, it’ll probably be a little less geeky, but crucially: it’ll say ‘posted by Sheila’ at the end of each post. So watch out for that – and welcome, ShilaBilaGila, to division6. Remember, metaphysically speaking, there is no division6…