Hi all,
Happy new year! We sung in 2005 in a rather subdued, albeit quite fun manner; the Malaysia Prime Minister made an appeal for celebrations to respect the solemnity this season has taken with the recent Tsunami tragedy – one of the serious things I’ve been meaning to blog about and will do.
That said, we managed to have a little cheer – a bunch of Arvind’s friends, spanning several continents and eras of each of our lives were around, my cousin Shayna, and of course Arvind and Sheila, and we hung out in KL and made merry. Only marginally annoyed by can-spraying idiots with tinned streamers this year (I had a blog post about that somewhere…)
Anyway, photos and stuff will go up tomorrow, hopefully, with a couple of more blog posts (on 1602, a great Neil Gaiman graphic novel my brother gave my sister for Christmas, Tsunamis and other things).
Hope you all had good ones. Here’s to a great 2005!