It’s been damn hot the last few days. It might seems pitiful that someone who gew up within spitting distance of the equator swelters and whinges about a mild hot spell in London, and in truth, I’m not complaining – the hot weather was great over the weekend. Lazing around in the sunshine in Regent’s Park, reading through my thesis (grrr – if I ever see a professional philosopher again, I don’t know what I’ll do!) was really quite wonderful.
I’m not looking forward to having to spend most of the day cooped up in a hot office building though – that’s less than 100% Colombian fun. Don’t get me wrong – I love my job – but I think they should call siestas for the summer months.
But, coming to the point of this post (insofar as it has one): all is well with me; I’ve watched a lot of movies of late (The Punisher, Brazil, Brain Dead, 13 going on 30, High Fidelity and Grosse Point Blank (again!) and more), read a little (finished Timoleon Vieta come Home – brilliant – and about to start Fortress of Solitute, once I get this thesis dealt with), and been working a lot. New client started at work last week – Cisco Systems – which is great, but obviously its been a bit busy at work dealing with the additional load.
Not much else is on. Results of the MRI come in tomorrow (woo), I’ve taken to saying “woo” a lot (woo!), and think people should stop singing “Armand David” to the tune of “Craig David” when I call them. All else is good in Armo’s world.
Off to Cambridge next weekend if I get enough work done this week. Wish me luck.