Tag Archives: fantasy

Seeing as I’m ploughing through epic SF/fantasy at the moment…

It’s ‘Looking forward to Feist‘ month. By posting the embed below I’m in with a chance of winning the new hardback, out – you guessed it – early next month. Although given that Voyager sent me his entire back catalogue a few months ago, I can’t help but think I might not have the best chance of winning this one…

Whilst the various Midkemian adventures have in some ways got increasingly more ridiculous (how many more levels of bad can there be – they keep facing off the ultimate evil!) – it’s still a wonderful universe and I’m looking forward to the next instalment – which I gather may be the beginning of the end…

Update: the embedded countdown ticker below doesn’t seem to render in Chrome. Sorry! It works in (shudder) IE.

Reading again

With all the busy-ness, Emily’s arrival, new house, running training and crazy time at work I’ve been rubbish about reading. It’s been hard to get into something new, but finally, sparked by a Christmas present from my sister, I’ve started reading again. Admittedly the specific book, Rupert Thomson’s memoir, wasn’t quite my thing, I’ve now finally gotten into the new Culture novel, Surface Detail, and so far it is *awesome*. Standard Iain M Banks imagineering, which is to say inventive, mind-bending, original and enthralling. The last books I was properly absorbed by was the Ender Saga, which I read through August and September so wonderful to be back in someone else’s crazy universe.

I have a few more books to read in the weeks ahead as when I go on vacation in March I have no intention of taking any hardbacks with me – all my reading will be on the iPad. So have a few books on my list, with space opera and epic fantasy the flavour of the month for the rest of Jan and Feb – with the latest in the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and the newest book in the Wheel of Time series awaiting me in giant, glorious hardback…

I had planned to buy fewer massive sci-fi and fantasy novels but its hard to stop when you’ve got the first 12 books in a series…

In another book related update, some friends who are getting married have set us the challenge of giving them a book that means a great deal to us. Given the diversity of reading interests between myself and Amanda (and now Emily), it might take some doing to get a book we all love… But is a lovely idea and will enjoy the hunt!